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HEWI MAG / Knowledge

The Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2022

The goal of Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) is to pay special attention to people with disabilities when accessing the Internet. Because unfortunately, the way that websites are designed and operate, software and mobile offers are either not or are hardly accessible for people with impairments. GAAD is designed to bring people from a wide variety of groups together and raise awareness. This year it will be held on May 19. 

Support people with impairments equally in the virtual and real world 

In 2020, WebAIM investigated the status of barrier-free access to websites. One indication of website accessibility is the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). According to the survey, 98.1 percent of pages caused at least one WCAG 2.0 error. On average, the number of errors was 60.9. As a rule, they are as follows: 

  • Low contrast text (86.3 %)

  • Missing image alt text (66 %)

  • Links that lead nowhere (59.9 %)

  • Missing form input labels (53.8 %)

  • Buttons that lead nowhere (28.7 %)

  • Missing language declaration (28 %)

There is still a lot of catching up to do in terms of barrier-free accessibility, not only in the virtual world but also in the real world. This is precisely why HEWI pays the greatest attention to this point.  

HEWI attaches great importance to simple and intuitive use of sanitary facilities. It does not always have to be a completely new bathroom—often existing bathrooms and sanitary rooms can be adapted to the needs of the users by instituting a few small changes. 

Clever solutions in the sanitary area 

Modular solutions enable optimal adaptation of sanitary rooms to the respective needs in existing facilities. This means that only the equipment that needs to be adjusted is adjusted: 

  • In particular, the modular washbasin concept has proven itself in this regard. The washbasin can be expanded to meet specific requirements and offers numerous additional functions. The concept is complemented by a mobile trolley

  • In the shower and at the toilet, mobile solutions such as folding support handles and shower seats support the user. If they are no longer needed, they can be removed quickly and easily. This is especially advantageous in hotels

Harmonize design and function

For all solutions, HEWI focuses on creating a harmonious interplay between design and function. Everyone—regardless of age, circumstances and needs—should have easy access to everyday things. Users can, for example, experience products through several senses. People and their individual needs are HEWI’s focus when it comes to product development. 

Be on the cutting edge

Society is changing—and so are the demands on product design. This makes it all the more important for manufacturers to respond to current developments. That is why HEWI is constantly developing new products that meet precisely these requirements. For example, the new HEWI color worlds offer individual design options and help the user express their taste.  

You can, for example, use the popular sanitary series System 900 to highlight your choice of color or you can opt for one of HEWI's favorite colors. This means that unique color concepts are now possible, creating an individual recognition value.

Universal design as a task for the future

Global Accessibility Awareness Day brings together people from a wide variety of backgrounds to discuss online accessibility. HEWI has also been working for decades with experts from the architecture and design sectors, as well as its own customers, in order to offer holistic solutions in the sanitary sector.  

We see accessibility as a future task for our entire society and would like to do our part. In doing so, we take into account aspects such as safety, sustainability and hygiene

For more information on Global Accessibility Awareness Day, visit the website of the theme day

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