Royal Porcelain Manufactory in Berlin from the outside


HEWI Mag / references

Royal Porcelain Manufactory, Berlin

Precious items made of porcelain are still produced in the Royal Porcelain Manufactory today. Clear lines are not only to be found in the products, but also in the buildings and even in the sanitary rooms.

Royal Porcelain Manufactory in Berlin, entrance
Toilet equipped with System 100, toilet brush set, paper holder, spare paper holder, sanitary bag dispenser

The Royal Porcelain Manufactory Berlin was founded in 1763 by Frederick the Great. The trademark is still today the royal sceptre from the electoral Brandenburg coat of arms. It is one of the last manufactories worldwide; the products are still made and painted by hand. After numerous relocations, the manufactory is once again located on the historic site in Berlin between the Landwehrkanal and the Spreebogen.

It was the reason for the name of the newly created Spreestadt, the so-called KPM-Quatier. Numerous office and residential buildings have settled around the KPM site. The original production facility was extensively renovated and redesigned - the former Ringoffenhalle is now used as a sales and exhibition building. Each change of location creates a new image of the building for the observer - the storeys appear like cuboids stacked loosely on top of each other, some of which extend beyond the façade level and are turned in on themselves.

Royal Porcelain Manufactory in Berlin from the outside

The building is a solid construction of colored concrete. In 2013 an administration building was added to the listed ensemble. It was designed by the Berlin architectural office nps tchoban voss. The façade facing the street was covered with polished natural stone slabs. The front, which faces the courtyard of the Royal Porcelain Manufactory, was plastered.

The vertical structure of the original KPM buildings is taken up by the striking window design. The clear lines are continued inside the new building. 100 System 100 from HEWI was selected for the sanitary room fittings.

Detailed information

Property type

Office and commercial building






nps tchopan voss GbR




deutsche road 5 gmbh

Products used



Product Inspiration

Washbasin with integrated holder



Tilting mirror in the colour white



Shower stool in the colour white



Barrier-free fitting




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